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Self-Esteem Program

A strong self-esteem is no longer a dream for you, it is a reality you can begin living today.

Program modules delivered to your inbox every week

When you don’t know how to nurture yourself through those attacks on your self-esteem they slowly eat away at other areas of your life.

You give up on doing the things in life you were once passionate about, because you just don’t believe in yourself enough to get you where you really want to be or what you want.

You often feel taken advantage of by others.

You feel unimportant, unheard, and the loneliness can become more than you feel you can take.

Life has become a constant struggle and you often catch yourself thinking (or saying) “Life is hard”.

You’ll learn the areas of your life that are being affected by your low self-esteem

You’ll learn exercises to help you identify your blocks that have been hidden for years.

You’ll discover step by step ways to repair and strengthen each of these areas.

You will learn to recognize the early signs others take to undermine your self-esteem and how to stop them immediately.

Program Features

3-Week Program, module each week

Email support for the 3-weeks (21 days)

All these things for a one-time cost of $99

Stop dreaming of when life will be good and take action NOW to make life great!


Experience enjoying your life to the fullest everyday.

Allow your inner confident that has been hidden for so long be seen by others.

Crack open that shell you have been hiding behind and watch how life around you opens up.

Self-Esteem Program

3-week program

Email support for 21 days

Priced at $99.

I will be with you on your journey every step of the way to help restore your self-esteem.  I will listen to your needs, customize the techniques to work in your life, guide you so you can stay on track after the program ends. It is my goal to empower you with the knowledge to do as much of your work as possible after the program ends.

Months after completing the program “if” you discover a new block that you’ve been unable to remove yourself you can always schedule a one-time coaching session with me to get you though it.

You keep the program material to reference and to continue to give you support.  Often times this material will give you the solution to new situations that come up in your life. 

Trish Burrows

Self-Esteem Coach